A Journey to Wellness

Through Clinical Herbalism

Welcome to Sacramento Clinical Herbalist

We fall out of balance sometimes. We’re human. It happens. Often these imbalances lead to dis-ease. Many health complaints can be brought back into balance with herbs, alone or alongside pharmaceuticals. I'm Karen Dickson. I hope to serve as a point of transformation in your life. It is possible to achieve the good health you want with a bit of knowledge and dedication to yourself, and the helpful plant magic of herbs.

Herbs can be a gentle and effective part of getting where you want to be, whether purely for maintaining health, wanting more energy, or addressing a specific health concern.

I’m excited to support you on your wellness journey beginning with an herbal consultation. Natural remedies, healthy foods and lifestyle changes can be beneficial for almost any person and health condition. Throughout our time together, I will make simple, safe recommendations to help you feel better—whether you’re dealing with a specific concern or simply want to be healthier.

If you are experiencing any of the following, there’s a good chance I can match you with the right herbal formula that will support your body in finding its way back to health: fatigue, injuries, achy joints. urinary tract complaints, hormone imbalances, pain, sleep disorders, skin-related issues, anxiety, digestive disorders, menopause, & andropause. I'm happy to discuss your specific conditions to find out if herbs may be right for you.

Clinical herbalism can be safe, powerful, empowering, and very effective when practiced responsibly. Herbs being administered safely and properly have the potential to accelerate, enhance, complement, and amplify a client’s healing progress and overall health.